Up & Away Studios

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Capturing The Wonder Of Everyday With Your IPhone

As a mother there are so many moments, little moments that I want to hold onto. The moments can range from cuddly, to hilarious, or even full on tears. Personally, I love capturing it all.

I love capturing my kids with their little friends wandering the forest. I love snapping my son when he comes out wearing high heels and random articles of clothing. I love capturing when my kids make a mess with markers or makeup. I even like capturing the tragic single tear rolling down a child’s earnest face. 

I find that life’s most random memorable moments happen when I don’t have my proper big girl camera, so my iPhone camera has become one of my greatest tools. However if you don’t know some tips, your iPhone photos might end up tragically dark, blurry or blown out.

I am offering a 1 hour course to help people figure out how to capture their everyday in a more artistic and professional way. I will keep the event small so that I can make sure every attendee feels they can enter in. I truly believe a few tips can go a long way to helping you have a photo journal that looks as good as the moment felt. 

Join me in Fish Creek park, one of my favourite adventure locations for tips on helpful apps, editing tips, setting the stage for your kids to have a magical experience, how to get the right exposure and so much more.  If you have questions, bring those too, I don't mind going over in time, if you need be. Light refreshments will be provided. 

When: Thursday June 2, 2016

Cost: $50 (plus gst) But if you bring a friend, you get $10 off. 

If you are interested email me, Kristy-Anne, hello@upandawaystudios.com for more details and to book a spot.

Below are just a few of my random favourite IPhone shots. I am so grateful for these memories.